PHS schools who have completed at least two years in the program (and who are not supported by other PHS grants) are specially invited to apply for a PHS wellness grant in the school year 2021-22. This exciting opportunity provides schools with up to $800 in funds twice per year to support school-wide wellness initiatives that can positively impact the health and wellness of students and staff and your school environment.
The fall application is open from August 1st thru September 30th and awards will be announced by October 15th. The winter application will be open from December 1st thru January 31st and awards will be announced by February 15th. Invited schools can apply to both of these opportunities with the potential of receiving up to $1,600 total for the 2021-2022 school year. Once awarded, schools will need to report the success of their wellness grant by visiting the PHS Portal and completing the Step 4 and Step 5 reporting requirements where they describe their wellness initiative(s) and provide two success stories with two supporting photographs of the wellness grant in action.
The PHS team looks forward to reviewing your applications and supporting your school’s health and wellness needs with this new funding opportunity!