Bryant Middle School, in Dearborn, Michigan, is one of the Project Healthy School’s Shining Stars this year. The PHS program at the school, led by P.E. teacher Eric Quine, uses the “9 Square game” for some of their PE classes.

“ The kids come into the gym, see the setup and get very excited”, Quine says. “ The game is catching fire at Bryant Middle School. This equipment has allowed us to introduce new games to the kids, and we are very thankful!”

In addition to 9 Square, the school has purchased some scooters for use in their PE classes. This purchase has allowed them to play games such as scooter soccer, scooter basketball, and they also put on some flat-out competitive scoot-er races!

Nice job Eric and Bryant Middle School! Keep up the good work!
NOTE: Bryant was able to purchase these items with a mini-grant from Project Healthy Schools.

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