Project Healthy Schools is proud to announce the release of their vaping education lessons. The Project Healthy Schools Vaping Education Lessons contain two 30–40 minute lessons. In lesson one, students will distinguish between the different types of tobacco use with an emphasis on e-cigarettes. They will be able to understand what is inhaled through vapes, long– and short-term effects of vaping, the benefits of remaining tobacco- and nicotine-free, and practice refusal skills to be used in their everyday life as we encourage them to abstain from tobacco use to live a healthier lifestyle. In lesson two, students identify Federal and Michigan policies/laws surrounding tobacco and vape use and how they relate to purchasing, safety, and use. They will analyze marketing strategies used by tobacco companies and compare cigarette and vaping advertisements.

With this knowledge, students will create their own anti-vaping advertisement by using similar marketing tactics. Students will read case studies and assess the situation, choosing which refusal skill could be used and research local resources for tobacco cessation in their area. With these lessons, PHS hopes to provide students with the knowledge and skills to make healthy decisions and remain tobacco and nicotine-free. The vaping lessons are posted in the PHS Portal under the Lessons tab. We hope your school will take advantage of this new teaching resource!

A visual aid showcases how e-cigarettes work in the PHS vaping education lessons.